fevereiro 08, 2018

Present Perfect - Game Ideas

Hi, folks!

Tudo bem, pessoal? Segue mais uma post fantástico com dicas de games para ensinar o Present Perfect to young learners.

Esses jogos foram aplicados para alunos de 13 a 15 anos. Mas podem ser para outras idades desde que com adaptações.

GAME I - I have done, what about you?

Peça que os alunos façam um círculo com as cadeiras. Uma das cadeiras deverá ser retirada e um dos alunos deverá ficar em pé, ao centro. Fale uma frase que esteja no PRESENT PERFECT e os alunos que realizaram a ação dita devem mudar de cadeira. Enquanto quem estava no centro tenta encontrar um lugar para sentar-se. (I've been to the U.S.A. / I've eaten noodles before. / I've never been to (somewhere) etc.

Variações: o aluno do centro dita as frases.

GAME II - Are you proud of?

Os alunos deverão escrever em um pedaço de papel uma frase de algo que já tenham feito e que se orgulhem. Incentive-os a utilizar o PRESENT PERFECT...
Ao término, o professor ou outro aluno deverá ler as frases e o grupo tenta adivinhar quem escreveu.

How are you, dear followers? Here's another fantastic post with game tips to teach PRESENT PERFECT to young learners.

These games were applied to student aged 13 to 15. But, if you prefer, they can be to younger or older students, provided the adaptations.

GAME I - I have done, what about you?

Have the students circle the chairs. One of the chairs should be removed and one of the students should be standing in the center. Speak a phrase that is in the present perfect and the students who performed the said action should change their chair. While those in the center try to find a place to sit. (I've been to the U.S.A. / I've eaten noodles before. / I've never been to (somewhere) etc.

GAME II - Are you proud of?

Students are expected to write on a piece of paper a statement of something they have already done and to are proud of. Encourage them to use PRESENT PERFECT ...
At the end, the teacher or other student should read the sentences and group guesses who has written!

Hope you like it!

Espero que gostem!


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